There's a Goose Loose aboot this Hoose!

"Whit aboot this yin?"

"Aye, he looks like a right eejit!"

"Right, you distract him an' ah'll peck his pocket!"

"Dae ye no mean pick his pocket?"

"Aye ........... that tae!"

So what do you do when you find two escapees (same two) from the farm blocking your path on a lunchtime walk? 

Well the plan was to;
- phone the farm and alert them.
- wait close by until help arrived.
- try not to freak the geese.
- take loads of foties for Wild Wednesday, obviously!

And all was going to plan until two ladies and then a lady with a dog wanted past. As the lady and her dog were both clearly nervous, and very impatient, I stood between them and geese to try and keep the peace.

The geese were quite happy to sit on my feet, peck away at my boots, legs and bum until everyone passed. They then allowed me to usher them back up the path, into the burn and swam back under the fence to safety......... the geese that is, not the two ladies!!


Main - the plan is hatched.
Extra - Operation Peck the Blipper swings into action!

Wilson Peck-It

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