Better late than never

We meant to go to see the bluebells in Priors Wood two weeks ago, but my friend G had labrynthitis, and wasn’t able to walk anywhere for a while. The bluebells are definitely past their best now, but the colour is still there, looking especially good in the sunshine. There was also an awful lot of wild garlic, bright white. I heard a radio 4 programme about foraging recently, extolling the virtues - to your gut, purse and mental health. I did consider it fleetingly, but most of the other walkers there had dogs, and the garlic is exactly at weeing height:)
The other outstanding sight to me was the giant trees in their May clothes, perfect green leaves before insects get to them. The extra shows a lime and I think a beech. Lime trees are really special to me - when I was little we lived in a 3rd floor flat, and I sat on the fire escape a lot, right up in the top branches of a lime tree like this one.
Also this blip is late, as I was so tired last night I fell asleep before doing it. 

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