Silene dioica
Red campion. One of my favourite wild flowers, they add a real splash of colour to the hedgerow & roadside verges.
Woke at 5am, breakfast while the first wash went through the machine. Hubby's skin is thin, some of his medication creates blood spots under his skin, when he knocks these they very often bleed. Yesterday was one of those occasions. Next short cycle wash was giving the summer wardrobe a freshen up. 2 loads on the line. The last wash, the bulky sofa throw. I headed to the allotment, sowed another row of beetroot. Did a bit of weeding & tidying the paths on the plot, then walked up to town for the newspaper.
CK next to walk Indie, then donned my chiropody hat. Mum has twinkly toes again hopefully. We had a little sort out of handbags, 4 went to the charity shop, once packets of tissues, & extra strong mints removed.
I bought scallops, & rock salmon from Andy, the mobile fish man back in Chudleigh. Lunch then up to the plot. Hubby came up with me, he gave the shed front a coat of stain where he could reach comfortably, I did the rest, then he headed home, & I had a go at tidying my shed.. The floor boards are beginning to rot in places so will need to think about repairing, but that's a job for later on in the year. I walked home, got in the door, took my meds, poured a cider, & watched The Chase before making dinner.
Now it's time for bed.
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