Effect and Cause

We aren’t sure if Millie “cries” because she is hungry or because she is calling Blanche. But she does a lot of it, especially in the middle of the night. When we had them both, we fed them four cans of wet food; Blanche also ate kibble so Millie got more of the wet food. Now, Millie still wants four cans. Her typical food intake should be 2.5 cans. But she is finally putting back some of the weight she lost. Anyway, it was very hard getting up after being awakened several times. Hubby went for a haircut at 6:00 am (why?). We started our outside work soon after he returned. I decided to share this peony blossom from the bush in front of my she shed. The plan was to put up fences to keep the deer out of my fall asters. We had to mulch that garden first and hubby continued mulching the area around the raised vegetable garden since I had just weeded that area. It took 11bags of mulch to give you an idea on the size of the area around the garden. It looks so much better. I pruned my burning bushes, cut the dead wood out of the lilacs, moved my flower pots to the front garden and cut a few dead branches from the dogwoods. We were hot, sweaty and filthy when all that was finished. It must be spring. And the fencing is still in it original packaging! Today’s confusing title: we have lovely gardens (effect) because we spend days outside gardening (cause). After showers, hubby went to the base to get our meds. I fell on the recliner until he returned also bringing lunch. Things are still up in the air about the funeral/WV trip. Patience…. Sure hope your day was as productive. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving “gifts”. Be safe. “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” – Margaret Atwood

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