Checking on da Sheep

A fairly overcast day, with a cold wind from the north.  There was the odd sunny spell, never lasted long.

Up early, popped by mam's for a cuppa before work.  Late shift in the airport again, and a day on the check-in desk.  All flights in and out on time.  Nipped by neighbour Caroline, she left a huge bar of chocolate on a flight a couple of days ago.  Walkies with Sammy, and spoke to friend Julie over the fence.  The blackbirds have fairly been singing tonight.  Feet up now.

While I was a mam's, I had to go check on Elise's sheep.  A right friendly bunch, and they all came running over when I appeared.  I'd defo keep this flock for pets.  All lambs doing great, and mam's are feeding and looking after them well.  They are quick at growing.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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