May Blossom

Back with blurb very soon - stay tuned!

I am back! 

I managed to get some housework done this morning - dusting, tidying and hoovering upstairs. I still haven't swapped my clothes from cold weather to warm. It is getting a little warmer, but not that much... I still don't fancy short sleeves! You can roll up longer ones if you're hot but if you have short sleeves and feel cold there's not a lot you can do! 

This afternoon I visited my Dad again. The Nurse Consultant came over again. It seems the plan for the Tavi procedure is now on hold, she did not give a reason. But he has a chest infection, which they want to get cleared up, give him some physio to try to address the mobility issues and then send him home, see how he goes for a month or two and then reassess the situation.

He's not going to manage at home, of that I am certain. I said to her that he'd need some sort of help in place when he goes home. She is going to recommend that, I hope! 

He seemed a bit better than yesterday - he's on antibiotics now for the chest infection. He managed to eat some of his tea but is still very tired and has little strength. He's far from fit to go home I'm sure...

Once I got home tonight we headed out to get shopping from Morrisons.   

My Blip is some Hawthorn blossom which grows along my route to the hospital. It is currently the Celtic tree month of Hawthorn. This is another phone shot. This is the first time I've had a phone camera I am happy with.

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