Big training hall

We have been busy all day!

I had a chiropractor appointment at 10 AM, but took the boys for a walk first. After my appointment, I had booked the training hall in Vipperød. It is huge and I wanted lots of space for my last training session before we leave for the World Championship tomorrow. 

My picture is Gollum in the hall - just to show you have big it is. 

We trained for 2 hours - all 3 dogs  - not just Gollum :-) and then we went home to pack the car.

Gollum had a Chiropractor appontment at 5 PM - to make sure all is well with him before we leave. He was very fit - luckily.

Home to have dinner and now it is bedtime soon.

(You can follow the World Championship via Live Streaming from this link! Gollum and I will be performing at around 13.45 (Danish time) on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!)

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the hazyland Boys

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