Phenomenal Fungus

I walked through the woods today - not easy getting in at the moment as there is a tree down across the entrance path …. I had to almost crawl underneath it to get through!!

Anyway, my patience was rewarded as this wonderful Dryad’s Saddle fungus has grown immensely since my last visit to it a couple of weeks ago.

Not only has it grown - it has sprouted all over the place.

The lobes can grow huge - for an idea of scale I have added an extra showing my camera bag next to one of the growths. The bag measures 45 cm / 18inches not including the handle. That was not the largest one there either! They can get up to around 60cm across.

For info - these mushrooms are edible when they are fresh. Although not poisonous, they get very tough as they get older. I’m not intending to try it though!

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