Fenced In Flora

I definitely got out the wrong side of bed today. I woke up feeling tired,  grumpy and achy and I couldn't seem to shake it off. My mood didn't seem to improve all day  - I could almost feel my shoulders slumping. So I offer my sincere apologies to anyone I came into contact with today.
Therefore, I wouldn't say this was one of my best blips but it was the only thing that garnered my attention today. I spotted these bluebells as they were caught by a shaft of light when I picked my brother up from the station and they did actually raise my first smile of the day - the fact that they still seemed happy to bloom is such an inhospitable environment really started to cheer me up.
Tomorrow is a new day and I will endeavour not to be such a curmudgeonly moany old man and more young at heart!


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