Carolina's journal

By Carolina


A weird title, but this is a coconut orchid. If you love coconuts you will love how this one smells!! If I could carry it around and just inhale.....  It's amazing!!
  Thanks so much for the lovely comments for my parrot tulip. I so appreciate it!! And for any hearts and stars too.   We are camping at Deception Pass. I didn't bring my computer so comments will be sketchy. I'll have to take pictures with my phone to upload. I'll probably wait and do some when we get home.  
  Lots cooler here - probably in the 70's during the day. I am such a pansy anymore! Tough to take take temps at 90 and above!! 
   Take care everyone and will keep you updated on the adventure!!
    In the extra is Miss Aria. She got her ears pierced today with all her fan club watching and giving support!!  She did well, especially when the mirror came out and the tears that started to well up were gone like magic!

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