
Not feeling great today, but managed a day of work.  Tim and I both did Covid tests again today, as we had to sign the contracts for our house sale and needed to get a neighbour (Chris) to witness our signatures - Tim's was negative (hooray), but mine's still bloody positive!  The line on the test was fainter, but still definitely there.  I make that 19 days of Covid now.  Bog off!

Anyway, signing the contracts added to our mounting house move excitement.  It's looking like we might need to wait until next week to exchange contracts, but we have now proposed a completion date (6th, 7th or 8th June), so will see what everyone else in the chain thinks.

We also ran into our neighbour Ann when we came back (still all masked up) from Chris's, and had a little chat with her.  We will miss our lovely neighbours when we move.

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