
Between April 1968 and September 1969 I attended TS Indefatigable, a training ship for boys on the Menai Straits at Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch.

In 1980 I was serving onboard HMS Antrim in the far east when the MV Derbyshire went missing in a typhoon in the South China Sea, we were tasked to look for her but never found her.

Today in Falmouth I watched the Bibby Stockholm, the accommodation barge being prepared for use by the government, came into Falmouth for maintenance and repairs.

What links these three things?
The Bibby Family.
The family generously donated to the upkeep and running of the Indefatigable, offering places for boys completing their education either within their family owned shipping line or elsewhere within the Merchant Navy.

The MV Derbyshire, formerly the Liverpool Bridge, was at 92,000grt the largest ship ever owned by the Bibby Line.

The Bibby Stockholm, as the name suggests, is owned by the modern day Bibby Line Group.
It’s A Small World!

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