Hyvää huomenta

STRAVA Day 708++

"Individual happiness is subjective, but some factors contribute to a happy society no matter where you are..." - Dobrina Zhekova

A good friend sent me an article ____ weeks ago about Finland getting Rank 1 in The List of World's Happiest . Kidded and told her that we should both pack our bags and move there then.
Seriously though, as much as it is oftentimes challenging to be living in a third-world country (as per IPL), we are definitely quite privileged to be a small family who are used to living simply (can't really say that for T or T's future taste but both B and I are content with being able to enjoy dark hot Kalinga coffee and the occasional cappucino in a different farm ). 
Featured photo is part of a series of self-timed mobile shots earlier. Title is Finnish for "Good morning" as per Google.

Others in Flickr: 

Urdhva Dhanurasana practice

A record of daily inversion
Personal Favorite (headstand)

Happy Mom's day to all the moms in the Blip Community. 
Thank you so much to non-mothers and virtual strangers alike for occasionally dropping by and leaving kind comments in this journal. Although, I don't always get to reply to each one, they all definitely go to my personal "cookie jar." 


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