
Hanesion ~ Histories

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.”
― Destin Sparks

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Diwrnod eithaf tawel heddiw - o leiaf nid yn gweithio mor galed gyda changhennau drwm

Rydw i'n dal yn mynd trwy fy hen ddogfennau ac yn ffeindio pethau i'w gadw (a sganio) a phethau i daflu i fwrdd. Heddiw des i dros y ffotograff hwn.

Dyma mae fy nhad, rydw i'n credu yn Sierra Leone ym 1941 (neu o gwmpas) lle roedd e gyda'r RAF yn Sgwadron 210 fel llywiwr ar Gychod Hedfan Sunderland. Doeddwn ni ddim yn siarad llawer am ei amser yn y RAF, felly braidd yn denau fy ngwybodaeth o'i stori, yn anffodus. Felly dyma fe, yn ei byjamas, gyda phaned o de, yn edrych yn hamddenol iawn.  Rydw i'n hapus i wybod roedd yna eiliadau fel y rhain.

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Pretty quiet day today - at least not working as hard with heavy branches.

I'm still going through my old documents and finding things to keep (and scan) and things to throw away. Today I came across this photograph.

Here is my father, I believe in Sierra Leone in 1941 (or thereabouts) where he was with the RAF in 210 Squadron as a navigator on Sunderland Flying Boats. We didn't talk much about his time in the RAF, so my knowledge of his story is a bit sparse, unfortunately. So here he is, in his pyjamas, with a cup of tea, looking very relaxed. I'm happy to know there were moments like these.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen ffotograff, dyn yn ei byjamas ym 1941 (neu o gwmpas)
Description (English): An old photograph, a man in his pyjamas in 1941 (or thereabouts)

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