Setting Sail

The forecast was good for the morning with rain forecast for the afternoon, so Mr P and I set off on our day trip early doors (well Spanish early doors). We went to Santoña, the town across the bay which you can either drive or take a boat to. We opted for the boat crossing. The boat also ferries pilgrims across on the Camino del Norte. Lovely little town and luckily the rain held off.
I’m a massive Eurovision fan and was really looking forward to tonight’s show but somewhat annoyingly all of Mr P’s friends seem to have descended upon the town for the weekend (from Madrid) and they want us to go out for drinks and tapas. He’s off out with them now and I’ve compromised and said I’d join them once I’ve watched all of the songs. Luckily I have the extended Grieve family WhatsApp chat to discuss/critique all the acts with virtually!

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