Family Anole

Lots of rain last night. The insects are thrilled and so are the anoles. A native Green anole, Anoles carolinensis, in my main shot and an introduced mature male Brown anole, Anolis sagrei, with fully developed dorsal crest in the *extra.
Fun Anole Facts: Brown anoles were 'accidentally introduced into Florida back in the late 1800's. They were brought to Key West most likely on shipments of fruit from Cuba and the Bahamas, where they are native. Green anoles are able to change to a brown color but Brown anoles aren't able to turn green. Growing up in Miami, we used to catch Green anoles and 'encourage' them to change from green to brown and back again. Some of my friends would make them bite their earlobes and wear them as earrings. (not me, I never did that, of course!)

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