
We purchased this "app" (it's on website), in which you log in and it gives you spots in the chosen city. We chose Lahti as it's about 20km from here. This kind of thing might be available around the world. If not, it should be.

So today we cycled to the first spot we chose (the closest one to us). It was about 15km from our house. It was a nice, but sad place. Burial ground and a monument dedicated to those about 300 inmates who were building the rail road to St Petersberg around Lahti area. It was 1867-1868 and lots of people died of hunger (the famine years here) and of plagues.

Once we reached the spot, I was able to open a video which gave us history and details of the place. The fence around the place is built of railway tracks. All the pieces have the stamp of the factory and the year it was made. That's how all the railway tracks were marked back then.

The people were buried to this hill because so many people were dying back then that the cemeteries were full. Usually the cemeteries are on sacred ground, but this one isn't. The monument was placed nearly 100 years after the people were buried.

I managed this cycling quite well, because it quite flat ride. It also felt so good to be out and doing something. I also ate very mindfully so that I had my energy level as good as I can right now. We also had to stop more than usual to look at the map, as this was new area for both of us.

Our idea is that we'll do one spot each week together. Only two are close enough to cycle to them. The next and only other, will be about 40km ride, but a similar flat ride, so I'll be able to do that too. If that is the only thing I'll do that day.

Happy Eurovision night to all you watching. Should be fun!

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