A Coronation Long Haul

I must admit all the coverage of the coronation had already started to pall for me long before the day itself arrived today. All that pomp and circumstance just leaves me cold as does the kowtowing, overdone reverence and some cases outright obsequiousness of certain sections of the media. I just don't believe in the institution of monarchy at all with all its vast privileges and wealth. I have nothing against Charles personally and I wish him well but the whole concept of Royalty seems outdated and out of touch to me.
However, that's just my opinion and if you support the Royals, thoroughly enjoy all the spectacle of what indeed is a moment in history and want to celebrate it all then that is of course entirely your right. Which is just as it should be in a supposedly free and democratic country. That's why the arrest of over 60 anti-monarchist protesters today was so disturbing. Surely people should have the right to protest over something they feel passionate about without the threat of arrest or prosecution. The current legislation being brought in by our present government to curtail or even outlaw certain forms of protest is a threat to our democratic freedoms. Sorry if that was all a bit heavy!
If you're just using it as an excuse to have a party I hope you have a great time too!
I'd spotted this sign a few days ago at a nearby distribution depot when I was taking my brother up to the station. It  made me smile and I knew this would be my personally alternative way of marking the coronation on blip.

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