
By bandparent

Family Restaurant

Sometimes the best restaurants are the simplest.  This family-owned restaurant is one I have helps to be able to speak (or understand) a little Spanish.

Today is National Limerick Day!
Limericks were named after the Irish city of Limerick, and although limericks were not in fact created by Edward Lear, it was he who popularised them, bringing the love of limericks to the masses. Limericks could potentially date back as far as 500 years, however it is currently unknown when the very first limerick was created, and whether it was created purposely or by a happy accident. 

The distinctive sound of a limerick which uses a special metre and AABBA rhyming scheme are ideal for the creation of nonsense verses, which is why many limericks tend to have a childish or even obscene tone to them, ensuring that they pack a humorous punch. The best limericks tend to be both hilariously childish and somewhat obscene.

‘There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, ‘It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren, 
Have all built their nests in my beard!’’

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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