Star wars day

Our last morning, very different from yesterday. Quite an icy wind first thing . Fletch was quite happy to hav his pre breakfast walk.

We had planned to do a walk from the village after wed checked out but the wind was eye watering cold so we decided to move on to somewhere more sheltered. 

It took 15 minutes to reach Kirby Lonsdale and another 15 minutes to try and get the car park ticket machine to accept a card payment. In the end I went into Booths who said to leave a note on the dashboard as it " often happens"

We then set off for a wander around KL.  
Ruskins view is blocked off and it seems like itll be like that for quite a while. . 
We had a spot of lunch in Platos which is dog friendly and very relaxing. 
Then we decided to call at Beethams garden centre as  it was almost on the way home. 

Back home the wind had dropped and the sun was shining . 

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