The second half of life..

By twigs

First Fire

After the incredibly mild weather we were having, then the mild but constantly rainy weather we've had for the past week or so, it's no great surprise that the clearer skies have brought fact, down south, it's brought snow!  Yikes!  Time to light the fire and enjoy the fruits of yesterday's woodstacking endeavours. Talking of stacking, I'm trying a new fire stacking technique given to me by the chap who delivered the firewood.  It involves stacking a couple of logs vertically along one of the side walls of the woodburner.  So far, so good, though as my woodburner is a small one I've discovered I don't actually have many logs that are short enough. The first trial tonight though was certainly pumping quite some heat out.  Will have to start stacking short logs separately maybe?!

On a much sadder note, J came over early afternoon looking very sad.  Their gorgeous wee kittycat Lulu was run over last night, suffering a number of serious injuries. They had to make the heart-wrenching decision to have her put to sleep to save her from suffering.  Such a gorgeous wee thing who had brought so much love, laughter and cuddles to J, A and their family.  We bring these little creatures into our lives and they steal our hearts in an instant.  Happy memories of a short but precious life.

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