Life Savors

By osuzanna

And We're Off!

It was a long day of travel to Costa Rica.  Just before we got in the car, I went out to the back garden and found that a couple of my peonies had bloomed.  My camera gear was all packed, so this is just an iPhone shot, with no processing.  I must say that I am quite amazed at the quality of the photo.  

The travel was tiring, but everything went smoothly, and I made my connection in Houston even with a very short layover.  It wasn't so easy for my husband who had decided to take the train to NYCity for a few days while I am gone.  Somewhere in Delaware, the train was stopped for about an hour while passengers boarded from another train stopped in front of them.  His trip was almost as long as mine. 

I am quite pleased with myself.  I set up VPN on my MacAir and iPhone(not very hard to do) so that I can watch the hockey games from here and much to my amazement, it worked!  I suspect we won't always have great wifi in some of the more remote areas we are going, but at least tonight I could watch. 

So here I am in Costa Rica with lots of advil, tylenol, Voltaren cream and splints, ready for 8 days of photography.  Looking forward to seeing Dbifulco and Hillyblips tomorrow.  Stay tuned. 

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