What A Wonderful World

It was raining this morning but there were little breaks in the cloud that promised a better afternoon.  Martin is a keen bird photographer and he wanted to be put on the beach at Kisbee Bay to take photos.  I could have gone too but sandflies and rain were not appealing.  The boat steamed further down the  sound and we had the delight of a pod of Dolphins.  I am hopeless at photographing them but I put in this shot of mother and calf. They swam with the bow wave made by the boat.  Three of our party fished in the rain for our dinner, Blue Cod.  We had an early lunch because the afternoon plan was a walk to Puysegur Point Light House.  Over lunch the sun came out and it was a surprise to put my camera back to normal settings.  When it is raining the bush and dark sea just soak up the light and a high IOS is needed. Puysegur Lighthouse was completed in 1879 and can be a wind swept, desolate place.  Today people were shedding layers of clothing.
Back on board we turned around and went to pick up Martin passing this interesting rock formation.  Late in the afternoon the skipper was filleting the cod and the scraps he threw over attracted a group of small sharks.  The water was shallow and it was fun watching them swim to grab a morsel.  A Buller's Mollymawk (a small albatross) flew in and was much quicker than them at getting pieces of fish. Main Blip. 
Our dinner was battered Blue Cod which was delicious of course and then there was a suprise dessert of carrot cake with candles made by Gemma especially for the foresters birthday.  We spent his 60th birthday on a boat in Dusky Sound with Maria and Sean when they were working for another business.  Now a decade later we did it all again and they own their own company.  The Forester is pleased he can still do the things he did at 60.  

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