One Foot Out The Door

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I had my first meeting with my new manager(s) today. I popped over to the Kanteen and met Dan (Senior PM) Tony (PM) and Soni (head of Data Governance).

It was all pretty informal but not Gromit informal. I'll keep working at it. Tony, I think is about 15 years old so hopefully malleable. 

Once again, I will try to bring the spirit of Shenée with me. Let's hope I have more luck than I did with the bankers.

It sounds like a LOT of work though. Apparently my first job is to try and understand HOW much work in case we need to recruit another "me" for the team.

"Take me with you!" said Jenn when she heard this. She has been working alongside me at Kiwiwank and shares some of my views.

I went for lunch with Jenn and Sam, another BA who shares my cynicism. Sam and I had a celebratory Prosecco and talked about staying in touch.

I would like to work with Jenn and Sam again. Maybe I WILL find we need more of me. I mean, don't you think the world could so with more MEEEEEE???

Oh shush.


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