A bevy of swans*

Jesusmaryjosephandtheholywell - the book has gone off to the printer! The main part of the day going boss-eyed doing a final proof read and nothing too ghastly until I got to the appendix of saintly dedications - holy moly something very untoward with the alphabetical order, how had we missed that?? Himself had to do the whole table again, urghh but hopefully  things are where they should be. We should get a proof by early next week then all the panic and self-doubt will kick in - have I got the right spellings/references/stories/punctuation in the right place;  does it make any sense; have I acknowledged everyone, and what crucial things have I left out?

Anyway, we each had a large gin before supper and are now squiffy (Himself doesn't even drink) so none of this might make any sense.

I'm also cheating as this was taken yesterday and is a most strange and ethereal image of a posse of swans off Rosscarbery lagoon which I couldn't resist. 
* I was hoping for a more glamorous or strange collective noun but this seems to be it. 

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