
By MadameRosbif

Another garden view...

This is another view from my garden in Vezac, Dordogne. This time the view is south east towards Marqueyssac chateau and gardens. It's amazing how being surrounded by such beauty makes you feel so much more relaxed.

The tree in the foreground is our amazing pollarded plane tree that is only just coming into leaf but in a few weeks time will be like a huge green ball, providing much appreciated shade. In October, we cut the whole thing back to the bare branches, leaving one twig on each branch that has a bud on the underside so that the following year it continues to widen the spread of the branches. Each year, I stick about a dozen of the trimmed twigs into the ground, which is fantastically fertile here is the river valley, and often they grow. I have two five foot trees that were grown this way and last October's trim has produced about 6 baby treelets! Cool! I love growing new plants for free!

The trees in the background are two quince trees and a Victoria plum, all planted in the last year but doing very well. I am sooooo excited about growing my own quinces (my followers will know I have a bit of quince-love going on).

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