...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

There were too many cute pictures to choose from today. Our day began with a quick run for me while Miles played in the tide pools with Nana and Daddy. After breakfast Miles and Daddy flew the kite on the ocean and Miles helped Auntie Sass finish this puzzle. I LOVE it when he concentrates and he sticks his tongue out. So that's why I had to choose this picture. And he became very fond of his Auntie Sass while she was out visiting.

After Miles' nap we went into Cannon Beach and then came back and played on the beach for a long time. Miles made some new friends, played with sand castles, ran on the beach with Hurley and Ziggy and finally got brave enough to walk in the cold ocean water. Up until this evening he would only be held on the sand and would yell "Stay water" when the waves rolled in.

After he went to bed we all enjoyed a delicious clam-bake dinner and good wine.

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