Tiny Tuesday flowers

Went to the church for a coffee and cake session which was delightful and Digby met a Labrador friend called Betsy and they wrangled with each other very happily and caused mayhem and shed hairs all round the church! We took the long way home afterwards and just as we were nearing home the lightning came followed by the thunder in 5 seconds so quite close! Digby was a little startled and looked up and around as the sound ricocheted down the valley but he was not frightened thankfully! We got home just before the rain started pelting down!

Having been to Bens farm shop I came back to an excited welcome! It is one of the joys of having a dog even only temporarily.

The weather cleared enough to take a lovely evening stroll!

Saw these beautiful little flowers on a bank as I walked by the river before the storm!

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