
The carpet fitter came today to lay the new flooring in our corrindor. We think that it looks rather smart - and a lot nicer than our grubby old pale blue carpet. Whoever thought that a light colour at a back door was a good idea? Oh, that was us circa 1995!

I worked most of the day. My tasks comprised planning and grant proposal reviewing. It would have been more fun to spend the day gardening in the sunshine, but I have deadlines (still!) I did, however, manage a run at lunch time.

I thought that I had sold our wee wardrobe on Facebook marketplace today, but the person who came to look at it decided that she didn't want it after all.

I'm off to London tomorrow. This will my first work-related trip to the capital since 30th January 2020. Following my own advice articulated in the blip from that date, I am including an overnight stay on this occasion. Mr hazelh has arranged to see Jon while I am away, so he shouldn't be too lonely.

Exercise today: 10k run.

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