Old Hat
Sunshine and a shower or two today. The good news - after a week of playing the 8.30am lottery, trying to get an appointment at our local surgery, I got one - with the nurse practitioner, and for this afternoon.
We decided to go out for lunch at the 3 Hills in Selkirk, the best coffee shop for miles. And in the Market Square I saw the pillar box adorned with the Guerrilla Knitters' contribution to the local Coronation celebrations. I'm not a bit fan of this sort of thing but I was mightily impressed by the skills demonstrated here!
The nurse inspected my rogue mole, and agreed with me that it doesn't look sinister, but located just where my bra strap lands on my right shoulder, it should probably be removed. I await a call from one of the GPs (a week tomorrow, any time between 9am and 6pm). He's apparently the only one in the practice who goes in for this sort of job. I'd rather thought it might merit a visit to the hospital. But, I feel lucky to have made this much progress. Why the wretched thing should chose to play up now, after sitting there quietly for as long as I can remember ...
No-one says 'old hat' now, meaning something that is no longer of interest, so why it popped into my head as the title I don't know. Maybe it was hearing Evan Davis saying the Coronation was 'so last week' on PM today?
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