Dovesfoot Cranesbill

This morning started at 7 AM, with a migraine I knew about before I even opened my eyes. So I got up and had migraine tablets and breakfast straight away, then sat quietly for a while until they took effect.

I had to go back to my Dad's today of course. I called at the Co-op for shopping, including a big bottle of water to encourage him to drink more of something that isn't coffee. He sent me straight back out again to chase up a prescription.

This became a challenge as the pharmacy did not have it anywhere on their system even though they should have done - even with the bank holidays, enough time had passed since it was ordered. Back at my Dad's I sorted out his lunch and then called the GP surgery to see if they had sent it. They had, and suggested I chase up the pharmacy. I told them I'd already been there, done that. They gave me a huge code number and told me to go back and tell them to enter it in their computer, and they would find it.

It had taken a long time for them to answer my call at the surgery and by now the pharmacy was closed for lunch. So I had to hang around and catch the later train home in order to have time to go back to get the tablets! He's told me he won't need me tomorrow as Estelle will be popping in to see him. I'm ready for a break!

It was 4-30 PM when I got my lunch today - a big improvement on yesterday! Part of the delay was because of Minstrel! I'd been a Very Bad Cat Owner today - when I left the house this morning I somehow accidentally shut Minstrel in the back of the house, only able to access the bathroom and kitchen! There was drinking water in the kitchen sink, and sunshine to bask in in the bathroom but he must have been so sad and bored, bless him! 

When I unlocked the front door I heard him meowing loudly and realised what had happened. Released at last from captivity, he shot out of the kitchen like he'd been fired from a cannon! He wanted some food and a massive fuss made of him. At least he didn't hold a grudge and sulk!

This evening I will attempt to catch up on Blip Comment. I'm sure some of you out there are somehow managing to post two Blips in a day rather than one!

This photo of weeds was taken in the village of course! Google Image search suggests it's  Dovesfoot Cranesbill! The namer of this plant sounds like a very indecisive person!

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