Valley of the Gods

Internet is scarce and it was down last night.  We had another glorious day yesterday...walking, hiking, sitting.....full of wonder and serenity.

If this marks my third year on blipfoto, let me say that I joined blipfoto (shout out to blipper Dreich) in January of 2020, so I've actually been on blipfoto for more than three years.  Just shows how intermittent I can be about posting.

So many things I want to say about this wonderful, inspiring, loving community, but someone is whispering my name.... "Come out, explore some more!"  Curiosity calls.  Thank you ever so much for all of the kind, thoughtful, funny things you say and for all the stardust and hearts you've shared with me on my blip journey.  BIG HUGS all around!
* The desert glows
* The desert is a-bloom with flowers; it's a fairyland
* Stranger from a strange land.  Have no idea what this plant is but it doesn't look originally from Earth
* We're way up high looking out over a vast terrain

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