Post-birthday food porn...
Stuff the diet.
Yesterday could have had a much more interesting image, one of the many taken during the birthday surprise outing arranged for me by #1D. She had bought us 2 tickets for a Virgin balloon flight (and no, you don't have to be one to be allowed onboard). I was amazed at (a) how much work is involved in getting the huge balloon inflated, (b) how incredibly quiet it is floating along at several thousand feet, (c) how despite being afraid of heights I felt perfectly fine travelling in a small wicker basket which had no means of steering and was at the mercy of the prevailing winds as to where it went, and (d) how powerful is the smell of cow excrement when you do a "fast landing" in a field full of the stuff. A fast landing involves descending to the ground with balloon still inflated in a stiff breeze, so the basket is dragged along for some way and usually tips over before it comes to rest. I'm just glad I was on top - the folks underneath got a bit coated in the stuff.
The celebration continued today with a slap-up meal in a restaurant near #1D's home, in the company of herself, partner and #1GS, #1S, #2S, and #2D and partner. All my kids and their current offspring together in one place is quite a treat.
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