Going Round In Circles

A relaxed start to the day with nothing really planned due to the damp grey weather.
Late morning Julie received a call from her Dad to say he wasn't feeling to good . I took Julie over there to see how he was and I went for a drive to find a blip but didn't really find anything. I popped home and waited for news from Julie . She soon rang to say he had to go to A&E to be checked out . So I drove to Metheringham and picked them both up and drop them at the Hospital .
I decided to go for a quick walk in the local park to find a blip as I wanted to be close by waiting for a call.
I have gone with this shot of the maze in mono to reflect the damp grey day.
Still waiting for a call from Julie 6 hours +, I have had some text updates  he has had quite a few tests and it looks like he has Vertigo so waiting to see if they are going to let him home 

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