Short walk

Slept well last night and managed to take Phin round the block first thing before hearing from Miss PHL. She’s off to Knoydart tomorrow with a school trip as one of the responsible adults and had borrowed some base layers and socks from me yesterday. On checking what she had at the flat she realised she needed more socks and some tracksuit bottoms so I sheared to the shops for her.

In the outdoor shop it wasn’t really my fault that they had a sale with an extra 20% off and 2 dresses and 3 tee shirts for me ended up in my basket along with the socks.

I dropped the stuff at her flat before driving home for lunch. Leftover pork in a sandwich with salad.

We took Phin for a walk this afternoon, my back held up ok but is now twinging a bit. An early night with a hot water bottle beckons.

I’ll get to the fun looking SillySaturday entries tomorrow, and also your journals. Thank you fir sticking with mine.

Caught up on my missing blips after tea and pulled together a celebratory blip as who dies my love a glass of bubbles! Thanks to Apollofly for hosting.

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