I 'heart' gardening..

A dry day, so far, and that meant good weather for the local horticultural society 'coronation tea party' so we went down to show our faces.... and scoff cake and drink tea!!  It was really busy down there which was lovely to see so hopefully lots of funds raised too for some local charities!

They have a small garden behind the hut/shop and are having a little gardening competition so a few members have planted up a border each and want members to choose their faves - the heart border was our fave, but there was also a border in the shape of a diamond and a butterfly! Ideas for our garden maybe... always time to lose a bit more lawn and create more planting space!

Oh yes, and I may have bought a few more plants on my way out!!

On our walk home it was nice to watch a Kestrel hovering overhead!

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