In search of.......
I went to look for early purple orchids a couple of weeks ago, but found none. Today I was successful and also saw Herb Paris in the same place it has been growing for the last few years. The leaves are small so it will be a while before it flowers.
The woods at Barrasford are a delight. There are lots of wild flowers blooming and the river North Tyne provides a backdrop of sound and movement. I saw several orange tip butterflies but they were much too fast for me to photogaph. They complete my triumvirate for Spting: cuckoo flower, cuckoo and the orange tip.
It is hard to get home within an hour for the next round of eyedrops. I was about 15 minutes over time, but Joan had noticed me leaving home from her garden and came to administer drops in my absence! What a star.
PS I have checked and I photographed the orchids on 8th May 2022. Close!
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