Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Dropped the dogs off at day care, they had to come home on the wagon tonight as I’ve got shooting club and J is at work. Headed home after work only to have a call from day care to say they were trying to drop the dogs off and no one was in. J still hadn’t got back, and they couldn’t find out keys so they had to wait a bit till J got back. I know they had keys before, so it seems they have lost them. Shooting wasn’t great, still not able to get in the right position repeatedly and that was the last session for the summer. Will have to start again in September when we are back. J’s dad arrive on the train OK and the dogs were pleased to see him. Managed to get the draft plan for Jellystone finished off tonight. Just need to run through it with holiday mum and dad and see if J’s colleague will have a look to see if I’ve missed anything important and that its feasible.

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