Mini garden

Another breakfast time with James - third in a row! I'm loving this rhythm, I think he's keeping an eye on me whilst Danny's away... His husband and guests were all asleep after a party that ended at 6am, but he'd not gone so we had a chilled coffee together with the kids.
Susanna came over to watch the Coronation, and then later Emma came over for dinner and a catch up before she heads back to Northern Ireland this week.
The kids and I have planted some seeds, we'll see if they grow!
Nate's definitely improving but complaining about stomach pains.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Photos of Danny with various loved people!! Including goddaughter Eden.
2) Time with James. He and Rich are here for a month before their apartment sale is finished and they officially hand over the keys to the new owners.
3) Coronation madness... I did enjoy watching the coverage, thanks YouTube for streaming it!

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