Garden work

Finally a proper day with the plants. It's been beautiful today and the black flies weren't really biting so I didn't need to wear my bug netting. I repotted 10 tomatoes though I'll only keep 6. I'm sure I'll find people to take them. I also started my melons and  some marigolds. I planted lettuce in one of the gardens where the chickens and ducks have no access and got the summer coop cleaned and ready for when we transfer the girls. It's always a bit of a hassle and I'm not sure I have the energy tonight. 
EDIT:  I decided to try and lure the girls with cracked corn and it mostly worked. The ducks were blocking the way for two girls and then Dan accidentally scared most of them back out... but we got on either side of the group and shooed them back into the coop. All five ensconced in the summer coop!
We've closed off the round garden and access to the bunny barn so Dan can start getting out there and doing things. The birds are irritated they can't get back in. Two chickens love to lay in the bunny barn and one flew over the fence to lay her egg. I heard her clucking away and went out to see and sure enough there was an egg. I shooed her out. Then Chewy was desperate to go in there too. She was running around to all the gates and I figured she would fly over so I relented. Eventually they will figure out that the bunny barn is closed for business... I hope....
I also made my first batch of suntea. That really heralds the season in.

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