River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: The King and I

King Charles III Coronation today, I didn't watch any of the TV coverage - I was transplanting Cosmos, Radish "Munchen Bier" and sweet peas and reflecting on how I'd felt about the monarchy during my lifetime.

A few days ago I started thinking about the similarites between Charles III and myself.
We were both born in 1948, I was born in August and he was 3 months later in November. 
Both of us born in London: he was born in Buckingham Palace and I was born in Eltham, about 10 miles to the east.
I have mixed feelings about the monarchy, preferring them to an elected president ... politics/politicians especially in UK (London) not my favourite subject at the moment ...

I watched this programme - "Dafydd Iwan and The Prince of Wales" subtitles available - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p07dz7vq and agree with Dafydd Iwan's views of the Investiture, with it's negative and positive effects on the re-birth of our Welsh language and its current popularity across the world :-))

Charles III also gets my vote for his positive environmental philosophy, he has so many interests which benefit communities across the world - 


I've been aware of the Prince’s Trust and the opportunities and support so many individuals have received - https://youtu.be/-knid5dhJUM

Iechyd Da your Highness, may you live a long and useful and happy life

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