From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Before and after......

After the long day out yesterday, a quieter day was called for today. The sunshine has been just wonderful and is a real motivator after the cold of last week. So..all outstanding jobs done bar a few internet bookings, and most things have been found a new home. Just hope I can remember where these homes are when I need to know!

D made further progress on the front garden flower bed, which I had said in a wild moment I would take over. And I did..briefly. I love the look of freshly dug soil and the rain of recent weeks has made this bed just right for digging over, so I am told. It also made the weeds grow at the speed of light!

And maybe I should have posted some of the cars we saw yesterday, so this is D's Riley. And the gap in the fence is going to be filled very soon, we are told.

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