Saturday at the ER

Yesterday evening, my mother had a fall. At first she didn’t feel any pain, but this morning she couldn’t put weight on her right leg and said that the hip hurt too much. She had broken that hip before, and I was afraid there might be some problem with her hip prosthesis, as she also suffers from osteoporosis.

So I drove with her to the same hospital where she had the hip surgery three years ago. Of course the waiting area was packed, and we sat there for about one hour.

My mother yelped in pain when finally a doctor examined her, and then we got to sit in the waiting room some more, for her to get x-rayed. 

Thankfully, the long wait ended with good news. Her hip is badly bruised, but not fractured, and the implant hasn’t come loose. 

It was my personal crowning moment of the day, I was so relieved! 

We then went to her house for a late asparagus lunch and coffee. When I got home, P had just started spring cleaning the patio, so we worked in the garden for a few hours. Perfect to get the adrenaline out of my system.

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