Grey Heron

So the heron adventure continues...
I really had low expectations this morning as I made my way to the loch. I was looking towards the dovecote  as I entered the park but there was nothing there.  I caught a bit of movement on my right, in the corner of my eye. When I turned the young female (pictured) popped out from behind a bush. As I started to feed her the young male popped out the other side. They were very close to the road, and whilst perfectly safe they looked a bit wary. I walked them both in a bit and continued feeding them, along with the crow who also flew over. When I was finished they both took off back to the loch - the crow followed me up the hill for a biscuit.
I had debated going back today given the very lacklustre response on Thursday and the no show yesterday but am so glad I decided to go back. It would have been horrible if they had both been waiting for me and I hadn't shown up. It is a real problem regarding potentially wasting fish but not one I have to face today. 
Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday.

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