the view from here

While others bed down for the night on the Mall, I am alone on the slopes of Blencathra and this is the view from my bivvy bag. I evicted those four sheep from the only properly flat bit of ground (which is a grassy footpath) but there are plenty of other places for them to sleep tonight. Finding a flat piece of ground is the No1 rule of bivvying.

You can see from the extra that I arrived here under the only rain cloud in Cumbria. The rain was quite heavy at times but it did eventually stop so I’m quite dry, although I am wearing waterproof trousers in case (in all probability) I have to get up in wet weather. For now, it is mild and cloudy (no sign of the full moon) and getting dark, so time to go to sleep.

The hill in the photo is Great Mell Fell, by the way.

Have a wonderful weekend, whatever you’re up to :-)

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