Garry Ure

By garryure

And relax

Finally. Summer has decided to make an appearance. Shame it had to be the morning of the 10k.

I'm not going to lie the run was tough. The heat was bad enough but the first 2k was straight up the side Arthur's Seat. I thought my lungs were going to burst embarrassingly early and my calves were on fire. Thankfully going up also means coming down so I made up time on the decent and managed to cool down a bit. I eventually made it round in 46:03 which I was fairly pleased with even though I was trying for a sub 46 minute run. Another one in July to go for though; hopefully on a cooler day and less hilly route.

The rest of the day was spent actually appreciating the sun and relaxing on the grass. We even dusted of the BBQ.

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