Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Sherlock Holmes

I guess he decided that a bit of seed was better than none.  He shimmied down the wire and wrapped himself around the feeder.   Do they see me??  Probably not.  They'll think I am just an extension of the feeder and not even notice me raiding the bird feeder!  Oh, well.  My triumphant little friend has won the war on the feeder and I give up.  
     A much cooler day today with tons of clouds and wish it would just rain!!  We did enjoy all the sunshine yesterday and hope we see it again this week end.     Joe made corned beef and cabbage for dinner, which we will take over to our son's house to eat.  The hockey game is on and he has cable.   I don't really miss the cable.  
     Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the great comments and the hearts and stars too!!!

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