
I had a nice morning at singing after the regular Lidl shop. Sandwiched between the two, a quick tick in a box at the Polling Station (a grand name for the village hall) We had to sing in the small church next to the hall in East Runton as that was also being used for voting. But apart from being a bit chilly, the church was a lovely place to sing. I learnt a couple of songs that I hadn't done before. They were popular old songs the group haven't sung for a while, and so it was nice to be introduced to them. It makes me feel I'm growing as a part of the group.

From singing I drove to Bawdeswell to have lunch with an old friend from work who left to work for one of the district councils before lockdown. It was lovely to see Maddie and we had lots to catch up on. She is working from home, so had a long lunch break in order to see me. We had lunch, then went for a long walk with Stan her lovely lab, who found this bit of water and was very pleased with himself! Then Maddie had to get back to work I drove back into the village of Bawdeswell. My reason being to find the church, because during my research of Jon's mum's family history, I have traced his Great great grandfather to the village. A big surprise being so close to my own family roots, and so close to where we have ended up. I took photos of the church for my family history records and when I get time will do a bit more research around this family.

This evening Jon and I have been packing some things together for our night out in London tomorrow. Mollie has a hospital appointment so we will go with her for that, then heading to Ware in the afternoon where we intend to pick up a train in to London. As the weather forecast is for rain, we've planned lots of layers, and we have a new small chairs and a bag each packed with other bits to get us through the night!! Apparently they open up the places where public can view, at 6am Saturday. So we will be 'camped' somewhere behind these areas and will move forwards as soon as we are allowed. I did suggest to Jon that I may need to sit on his shoulders - he didn't comment, so I guess that's a no!

Anyway, an early night now, because sleep is likely to be non existent tomorrow night. Are we mad? Probably. But I'm still keen on the memory making, and I'm quite excited to be in the thick of it, to feel the atmosphere. And the rain will just make it all the more memorable!!

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