Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Didn't you get the memo?

Found this on my desk when I got back from lunch. To be clear it was from TSM - we were in the office together today. I love it when she does things like this.

Work was OK. More dull than anything. Stress much reduced by having a meeting cancelled. 

We did our democratic duty in the evening. I find it remarkable that so many people don't vote then moan about their government / council. 

We had two Robins going mad in the garden.  I never knew they could be so noisy (making a rictus clicking noise) and so crazy. It was bizarre and got the cats very wound up.

Very pleased to get my latest short  story back from the narrator. He has done a fantastic job again. 

TGR is having a great time in Nashville. Seeing Taylor Swift In concert tomorrow. 

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