More ..............

 ................. hardcore/limestone  -  more coffee  -  more sandwiches  -  more "wacker" machining.

After taking away 31 tonnes of "muck" it had to be replaced with (originally) 13 tonnes of hardcore which wasn't enough - 3 more tonnes arrived - different colours but I'm not going to be able to see it under the 4 inches (100mms) of concrete that arrives in the morning.

Fingers crossed that none of the 13 cats from next door (they had 15, lost three over Christmas and then got another young cat last week!!!!!!) decide to "imprint" with either paws or poo before it's set!

The next photo of the 'works' I post should be the last - all finished and, hopefully, looking very spiffy!    At least I won't have the weeding to do or the catpoo to deal with in the gravel.

No cars on the drive until Monday and no walking on it until Friday night .............. 

~ Anni ~

This is Wednesday uploaded on Thursday morning.

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